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Cajoled in Cudjoe Key?

May 14, 2014


Aerostat radars in Cudjoe Key, FL

Primary Function Low-level radar aircraft detection
The Tethered Aerostat Radar System carries the AN/DPS-5 S-band CFAR/MTI and AN/TPS-63 search radars. 100,000 Peak Watts each
Volume 275,000-625,000 cubic feet
Tether Length 25,000 feet
Payload Weight 1,200-3,400 pounds
Maximum Detection Range 200 Miles
Date Deployed 1978
Inventory 12 +spares
Operational Sites (Current as of January 2003)
  1. Yuma, Ariz.;
  2. Ft Huachuca, Ariz.;
  3. Deming N.M.;
  4. Marfa, Texas;
  5. Eagle Pass, Texas;
  6. Rio Grande, Texas;
  7. Cudjoe Key (2 aerostats operate at Cudjoe Key)
  8. Horseshoe Beach, Fla.;
  9. Lajas, Puerto Rico.

1979: The first sign of stress on the outer coral reefs was a die-off of sponges in June-July 1979, with a massive loss of the barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta on Big Pine Shoal, south of Big Pine Key. Hundreds of large sponges disintegrated during a month when extraordinarily warm waters flowed from the Gulf of Mexico across the reefs.

1980: In June-July 1980, doldrum-like weather patterns replaced the normal summer trade
winds; the skies remained clear and almost cloudless and the seas were very calm for 6 weeks. Within a few weeks, angelfish, surgeonfish, butterflyfish and some other reef fish showed signs of extreme stress; they were respiring heavily[Hypoxia: Microwave Pulses reduce dissolved oxygen from water] and could be collected by hand. Open wounds and disease were commonly seen on the fish and large numbers began dying throughout the Keys. During the fish die-off, minor coral bleaching was noted on offshore coral colonies…


From → Biology, Geophysics

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