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Squabble Over the Wobble

January 9, 2013

Earth WobbleIt is well known that the Earth wobbles as it spins.  A leading theory is that this is due to a mass redistribution on the surface of the Earth, i.e. melting snow and ice, etc.  In other words, it is a gravitational effect from mass redistribution.  I have no doubts the wobble is caused from a gravitational effect.  I question that it is all produced from a redistribution of ordinary matter, i.e. water and earthen material.

What my theory predicts is that there are billions of tons of these dark matter particles orbiting through and around the Earth at any given time, gradually terra-forming the Earth through beta decay and weak interactions and creating the intense low pressure systems and jet streams above our heads.  Some of these are striking Earth “directly” during coronal mass ejections that happen to be aimed our way.  I also believe these massive energetic entropic particles are orbiting all around in our inner solar system due to their gravitational mass and are entering our Earth throughout the year as what we mistakenly call meteorites.  Coronal Mass Ejections occur constantly on the sun and peak @ 3.5/day approx every 11 years or so.

From Wilkipedia:

Coronal mass ejections reach velocities between 20km/s to 3200km/s with an average speed of 489km/s, based on SOHO/LASCO measurements between 1996 and 2003. The average mass is 1.6×1012kg. The values are only lower limits, because coronagraph measurements provide only two-dimensional data analysis. The frequency of ejections depends on the phase of the solar cycle: from about one every fifth day near the solar minimum to 3.5 per day near the solar maximum.[8]These values are also lower limits because ejections propagating away from Earth (backside CMEs) can usually not be detected by coronagraphs.

indonesia quakeThese particles react with ordinary matter through weak interactions and GRAVITY.

So now if my theory were to be correct, if these massive particles orbit into the Earth, sometimes for weeks or months before a major earthquake ruptures due to the gradual beta decay at a fault line, the massive particle(s) might actually induce some additional gravitational wobble BEFORE the earthquake event and fault rupture.

So here is what took place BEFORE the 2005 Indonesia Earthquake

“AHMEDABAD: Mother Earth may have given out warning signals much before the December 26 earthquake of 9.0 magnitude that struck off Sumatra in Indonesia, unleashing tsunami waves,which caused destruction all over the Asian continent.

A leading Indian seismologist, Dr J G Negi said that the observations made between October 15 and November 30 by the US-based International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) had revealed early signals of increase in the earth’s wobble. “During this period, the wobble deviation from the expected position for this period was approximately 0.75 degrees which is significant,” he said.”

These wobbles are changing rotation of the earth and are known as ‘Chandler Wobble’ with cycles of 14 months and 6.5 years. Earth’s wobble is normally supposed to increase during monsoon because of increased oceanic and atmospheric circulations and decrease around this time. But the wobble was more pronounced before the December 26 earthquake.

These wobble deviations were followed by earthquake in the southern hemisphere near Macquarie Trench near New Zealand on December 23 with a magnitude of 8.1. The earthquakes above 8 magnitude are called great earthquakes and occur once a year on an average. But on December 26, only three days later, the northern hemisphere experienced an quake of 9.0 magnitude in northern Sumatra.

“The wobble of the earth’s rotation clearly anticipated these two big events,” Negi said. He recalled that there is a revolutionary theory, which was given in 1967 by L Mansinha and D L E Smiley, two scientists from Canada,which says that wobbles are co-seismic with great earthquakes.

In the case of the recent events in December 2004, Negi said, “The big question is whether earth got jolted after these two earthquakes or did the prior jolting of the planet, as was shown in the increased wobble, build up pressure to cause great earthquakes in both the hemispheres within three days.”

In summary, my theory predicts that much of the wobble induced during hurricane/monsoon season and prior to, during and after major earthquakes is due to the orbital gravitational effects of the added billions of tons of these massive, entropic, energetic particles orbiting above our heads and below the Earth’s surface and oceans for months.

The sooner NASA, physicists, geologists and meteorologists accept the existence of these massive orbital, energetic, entropic dark matter particles making up a large part of the missing 95% of the universe, the safer we will all be.


Copyright 2012 Stewart D. Simonson All Rights Reserved

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  1. I am following and enjoying your research, theories and logic. I hope that you continue to enlighten and challenge conventional thought, and hopefully your wisdom will be the spark for the next quantum leap in understand. Your neighborhood Geologist…..

    • Alan,

      Thanks. I appreciate the support from a guy who knows a lot more about Geology than I do.

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