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Just more Sinkholes, Severe Weather and Lost Souls

March 13, 2013

“In 1990, Marriott opened an eight-story Courtyard hotel at 1132 Techwood Drive in Atlanta. The building was constructed on one of the high hills from which Sherman’s troops had shelled Atlanta in the summer of 1864. Due to the gradient of the terrain, Marriott’s parking lot was split between two terraces; the lower level was built directly over the Orme Street trunk sewer. On June 10, 1993, hotel workers noticed that a manhole located in the lower parking lot seemed to be sinking. The city, after investigating, cordoned off a 400-square-foot area and put it under 24-hour surveillance.

“Four days later, beginning around 5:00 a.m., Atlanta was deluged by a perfect storm. Within a 40-minute period, the downtown area received 3.6 inches of rain accompanied by more than 400 lightning strikes. Water blocked several downtown streets and flooded homes. The immense downpour was too much for the 80-year-old storm sewer to bear. A length of the sewer pipe failed under the hotel’s lower-level lot, creating a sinkhole measuring 50 feet deep by 200 feet wide. The upper tier of the lot collapsed onto the lower, and then both levels were sucked into the vortex. In seconds, two Marriott workers, Victoria Vaynshteyn and Oscar Cano, were siphoned into the sewer like ants down a bathtub drain. The hapless victims likely never knew what hit them.”

This is just dark energy laying down some new filaments, the sinkhole is equivalent to the sunspots we see on the Sun.  The lightning is the charge built up on the surface of the particles making up the filament as they orbit into the sinkhole and shred matter. The downpour is from the extreme condensing action of the filament particles as they extract entropy from the surrounding gasses, cooling and condensing water vapor. The particles triggered beta decay in the parking garage and Earth, weakening it.  I also believe now that due to the charge at their surface they are also creating large telluric currents near some of these sinkholes which hastens the weakening of the Earth.  I also have this impression now that the particles are creating additional collapsed matter particles as they accelerate ordinary matter near their surface, acting as a particle collider.  These additional collapsed matter particles are creating the filaments and also the energetic path they follow.  I believe the Earth, Sun, comets are all collapsing additional matter near the surface of their nuclei and creating this additional dark matter, which then creates their magnetic fields and magnetotails and what we give names like plasmoids and meteroids because we have no clue what they are.


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Copyright 2012 Stewart D. Simonson All Rights Reserved

From → Geophysics

One Comment
  1. Joe permalink

    Well this story has more to it…I was working for creative loading and the morning of the sinkhole I went into the meeting room where they had a bunch of newspapers going through them looking for good stories…..all of a sudden I see the sinkhole flashed across the front of the Atlanta constitution and I gasp in horror as my thoughts went to…OMG Maggie…she was the manager of the Marriott cafe and always opened the restaurant in the wee hours of the morning…my heart sunk…I tried calling her over and over… finally she answers…apparently the thunder storm knocked out her electricity so she did not wake up on time to unlock the cafe for her two employees who were killed…she was very lucky to say the least…then Maggie tells me that Oscar one of the employees that was killed was on the way to work with his wife and all his kids and their new born baby in the car….two blocks from the Marriott their car stalls…the battery is dead…so Oscar walked two blocks to the Marriott and saw the other female employee in the parking lot and he gets in her car because she is going to take him and jump his car off so his wife can have the car for the day while he is working and as they start to drive across the parking lot it caves in. Maggie told me that the rescue workers had to amputate the deceased females legs in order to remove her from the vehicle.
    Maggie’s informed me that 10 days before the sinkhole sucked the parking lot in that they had been complaining to the city about the fact that the cafe which was at ground basement level was terribly sunk in… I walked in the kitchen the first time I was ever there and could not stand up because it was totally crooked….I am serious….so no one does a thing about it and all the city did 10 days before it caved in was sent some city workers out with orange spray paint and marked off an area saying no one could park there….bumbling idiots.

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