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The Acreage

December 7, 2014
The Acreage Cancer Cluster

Pulsed electromagnetic scattered radiation profile near Port St. Lucie Florida influenced by high power, high gain military radar. Radius of most intense scattered radiation reaching ground will depend upon cloud ceiling and radar dish angle.

Brain Cancer Cases Shot Up in This Florida Town

“Though Becky Samarripa chose not to get involved in any litigation, the radiation theory makes sense to her. The Samarripas left the Acreage in 2010. But when they lived there, Becky’s husband, who worked as a customs official, wore a radiation-detecting gun belt for his job and stored it in the closet. Periodically, the belt would start beeping in the middle of the night. “After a while, we realized it was going off when our water was regenerating from our well,” says Samarripa, who worried over the fact that Hannah’s bedroom was closest to the well.

Hatfield and her colleagues at the law firm traced the radioactive contamination in the Acreage to two companies with operations in the area. One is the local mining company Palm Beach Aggregates, which has mined limestone for road construction for more than two decades using a dredging process that contributed naturally occurring radiation to the local water system. (“Naturally occurring” means that the radioactive substances originated in the soil, water or other natural materials, but may have been concentrated by industrial activity.) At various points, contaminated water escaped the dredging pits and seeped into the canal and groundwater in the Acreage, according to the plaintiffs’ complaint.”

Clues sought in cancer cases of Fla. children St. Lucie County 

“FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Alarmed at the seemingly high rate of brain cancer among children in St. Lucie County, Fla., a group of mothers who courted controversy with their calls for a major health study are starting to feel vindicated.

Last summer, the mother of a child who died organized other families, raised concerns about the local water and soil and generally set the population on “pins and needles,” in the words of the Port St. Lucie mayor.”

Melbourne FL2

I figured with that many dead and diseased fish and other mammals near radar towers, all that electromagnetic radiation might have an effect on humans…

If all of that electromagnetic radiation is having a strong effect on positively charged ions such as Ca++ and Mg++, I wonder what effect it is having on heavy metals such as PB++, NI++, CU++, ZN++, CD++ & PB++, Cr(6+).  Possibly causing those ions to “leach” to the surface of groundwater, “stirred up” by the strong pulsating EMF near the surface of the water through Lorentz forces in water with dissolved ions.

Like in Kauai, HI(World’s largest supply of pulsed microwave radars)

Like in Hinckley, CA(very near pulsed High Power, High Gain microwave space radar)

Like in Norman, OK (Lots of microwave weather radars)

From → Biology, Geophysics

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