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Under Siege

December 23, 2015

Listen to the audio below from PMRF Commander Captain Bruce Hay before reading the emails. He basically slanders me on the radio saying that I never sent the Military/Government any information regarding the radars and coral disease, which is misleading the public.  All of this in addition to the fact that the military logs into my site almost weekly – see logs below.  Full audio of the two hour radio show at the bottom


Title: RE: Possibility of Meeting with a PMRF Base Representative
To: PMRF Commander Captain Bruce Hay
Date: 9/23/14 via Linked-In


“…I am going to be in Kauai from Oct 3rd through October 7th diving on the reef with Terry Lilley (I think you know him…) I wanted to see if I might setup a 1 hour meeting with one of your base officers (or yourself) to show them the results of two years of research that points to a correlation between pulsed microwave/RF/Cellular tower locations and diseased wildlife within a 20 mile or so radius(correlation does not mean causation)…”

From: Commander Hay
9/25/15 via Linked-In

Mr. Simonson,

“Thank you for your email. I understand you’ve also reached out to my Public Affairs Officer, Mr. Stefan Alford. Please continue to coordinate through him. In general, I do not take unsolicited business calls for myriad reasons…”

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Alford, Stefan CIV N61064, N00PA <>
Date: Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 9:31 PM
Subject: RE: Possibility of Meeting with a PMRF Base Representative
To: ChemE Stewart

“Aloha Stewart,

Thanks for touching base with us. Unfortunately we won’t be able to accommodate a meeting while you are on Kauai in the next week. If you feel comfortable sending your PowerPoint summary to me via e-mail, we’ll certainly take a look. Although it’s short notice, may I suggest contacting NOAA here to see if they would meet with you — they would be in a better place to assess your results.  Sam Pooley is head of the science center and I’m sure that Mr. Lilley would have contact information to facilitate a possible meeting.
Best of luck and enjoy your island stay.

Stefan Alford
Public Affairs Officer
Pacific Missile Range Facility
Kauai, HI
Work: 808-335-4740
Cell: 808-482-0036
DSN: 315-421-6740

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ChemE Stewart
Date: Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Possibility of Meeting with a PMRF Base Representative
To: “Alford, Stefan CIV N61064, N00PA” <>, Captain Flounder

Just to let you know I already shared information as recently as four days ago with NOAA and you can see the response below.  If you or any of your team have 10 minutes to spare I could drop off a hard copy and give a quick summary.  I’ll be on the island from the 3rd through the 7th if you change your mind or have a window open up. It involves much more than just military radars. We all live on this Earth together and want the best for our kids and I know you guys feel the same.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ……
Date: Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 11:39 PM
Subject: From …………- FW: Green Turtle Tumors.
To: ChemE Stewart

Hello Stewart, I confess your information caught my attention. I would have answered immediately but I’ve just returned from a personal trip to Hong Kong.  My close colleague for 22 years, Thierry Work DVM Wildlife Disease Specialist, is out of town right now, but will be back this weekend. I want to confer with him and get his ‘take’ on it all.Very intriguing. I am pleased to be in touch with you.  Best regards and Aloha- I’ll be writing to you again soon. [P.S. NEVER HEARD BACK]

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From: ChemE Stewart
Date: Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: Possibility of Meeting with a PMRF Base Representative
To: PMRF Commander Hay
Cc: “” <>


Here is a copy of a trip report I wrote while on the Island.  If there is a concern on the part of the military with the quickly disintegrating North shore reefs, I would hope you might carry out some of your own testing to help identify/solve the problem, you probably have the best equipment and resources.  I came to the Island at my own expense to take a look at the reefs.  While I am not a coral polyp expert I am a good practical chemical engineer and I understand dissolution and disassociation of calcium carbonate and possible causes as it is not just the coral dying, the entire structure of the reef appears to be dissolving and collapsing.
I am sorry we did not have a chance to meet.  I have lots of references to back up my theory and can supply those on request. I am also completely open to other theories. It would be nice to save something for our children’s children to see.

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From: ChemE Stewart
Date: Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Possibility of Meeting with a PMRF Base Representative
To: Commander Hay
Cc: “” <>

Picked up two corrections in trip report attached. Won’t bother you guys again.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Alford, Stefan CIV N61064, N00PA <>
Date: Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 7:22 PM
Subject: RE: Possibility of Meeting with a PMRF Base Representative
To: ChemE Stewart <>Stewart — no bother; thank you for including us. V/r StefanStefan Alford
Public Affairs Officer
Pacific Missile Range Facility
Kauai, HI
Work: 808-335-4740
Cell: 808-482-0036
DSN: 315-421-6740
Also, they Navy visits my research almost weekly:
navy visits
 Don’t say I never sent you anything…



This is the entire 2 hour radio show on 12/22/15 on  First hour is Navy telling everyone how they love the whales, sea turtles and marine life that they blow up.


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ChemE Stewart <>
Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: My Radio show with Brian Hay from the base!!
To: “underwater2web .” <>
Cc: Others


Below are some facts I think you should make public during the radio show and ask Cap’n Hay’s response.

1. The EIS filed with the State of Hawaii says the 2011 Ardel radar facility added in Kauai could impact up to 1/4″ of water. What is the impact? What of the other 25 or so existing radars in addition to it? How many total inches?  A lot of electrons and ions can fit in 1/4″

2. Radars and antennas induce electrical currents on the seawater. 6 typical warship antennas induce 6mA per sq. meter in surrounding seawater. Most warships now have 50-100 antennas and radars each. Where does all the electricity go?

3. 1mA AC electrical current and 0.01 mA DC electrical current in seawater (electrolyte) accelerates marine corrosion. 100 mA can stop a mammals heart.

4. Calcium and magnesium are metals/minerals and corrode much easier than steel, aluminum or zinc in seawater and electrical currents. See cathodic protection and galvanic series of metals

5. A recent Navy ship underwent accelerated corrosion of the aluminum and steel hull at the waterline due to the electronics and radars on board.

6. The coral reef is made of calcium and magnesium and appears to be undergoing accelerated corrosion near the radar base. Coral disease rates are higher near brackish water which matches corrosion behavior in salt water. (higher corrosion at 3% salinity than 3.5% normal)

7. The reef fish are turning black and electrical currents in water are known to turn fish black and kill them per USGS and electrofishing.

9. The dead sharks on the public beach showed signs of electrical damage to fins and gills.

10. The FAA safe distance from the AN/FPS-117 Kokee radar facility where the adult birds were downed is listed as ~ 1700 feet. How do the birds know that? Why is the tourist parking lot only 900 feet away?


From → Biology, Geophysics

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