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May 11, 2013

waterspout10Confabulation is a memory disturbance, defined as the production of fabricated, distorted or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive.[1]Confabulation is distinguished from lying as there is no intent to deceive and the person is unaware the information is false.[2] Although individuals can present blatantly false information, confabulation can also seem to be coherent, internally consistent, and relatively normal.[2]

From a misinformative Science article Here

A waterspout occurs when a tornado forms over oceans, lakes, or rivers. They form when high layers of cool air blow across a body of water while warm moist air sweeps up from below (CONFABULATION). They appear as thin columns with the funnels sucking up water over mushroom-shaped water sprays.

Waterspouts can vary in size from a few feet to more than a mile in height, and from a few feet to hundreds of feet wide. Witnesses say they make hissing and sucking noises as they move (Vacuum). These water twisters can move anywhere from 2 to 80 miles an hour. Winds within the waterspout can spiral around at 60-120 miles an hour. These phenomena usually last up to fifteen minutes, and few last more than half an hour.

Humans are thick skulled so I am going to drill it into you like a couple of strings at a sinkhole party…


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER


This is a string of dark energy pulling a vacuum, condensing water vapor and CREATING THE WEATHER and electromagnetic discharge


Ditto.  Same waterspout as above from a distance

Are you confabulated enough to believe that a bunch of air can lift hundreds of thousands of tons of water into the air and form a very STABLE creation called a waterspout that can shred boats in half? That is not an “unstable atmosphere” as you have been led to believe.  That is a very stable particle beam(string) that can slice you in half or kill you with a billion volts of electromagnetic discharge we call lightning.

Do we really need to spend billions of dollars out there and deep below the Earth when we have a brain that can see a brane?

I take no credit for developing string theory.  Here is a good read on strings and the vacuum.  I just popped out of the vacuum to help you see that quantum dark/vacuum energy is all around us and to see the forest through the trees, or better yet the strings behind the weather…

It is now guaranteed that one of us WILL require therapy to recover from our grand illusion. Who will it be, me or you?


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Copyright 2012 Stewart D. Simonson All Rights Reserved

From → Geophysics

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