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It’s Only Bizarre if You have been led to Believe the Wrong Paradigm

April 3, 2014

Bizarre’ Cluster of Severe Birth Defects Haunts Health Experts

A mysterious cluster of severe birth defects in rural Washington state is confounding health experts, who say they can find no cause, even as reports of new cases continue to climb.

Federal and state officials won’t say how many women in a three-county area near Yakima, Wash., have had babies with anencephaly, a heart-breaking condition in which they’re born missing parts of the brain or skull. And they admit they haven’t interviewed any of the women in question, or told the mothers there’s a potentially widespread problem.

But as of January 2013, officials with the Washington state health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had counted nearly two dozen cases in three years, a rate four times the national average.

Since then, one local genetic counselor, Susie Ball of the Central Washington Genetics Program at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital, says she has reported “eight or nine” additional cases of anencephaly and spina bifida, another birth defect in which the neural tube, which forms the brain and spine, fails to close properly.

“It does strike me as a lot,” says Ball.

What are the chances that three rural counties would have multiple babies with brain damage AND ALL HAVE ASR-9,1,120,000 Watt Pulsed Microwave Radars within 20 miles and have Mountains in the Background to help reflect the radiation and let it bounce around some more?


Sea-Tac ASR-9

Sea-Tac ASR-9 1,100,000 Watts Pulsed Radar

Franklin CO

Yakima Radar

Yakima, County ASR-9 1,100,000 Watts Pulsed Radar

Benton CO

Benton County ASR-9 1,120,000 Watts Pulsed Microwave Radar

I’m not sure of the odds of that because I am not a gambler, a biologist or a radar physorcist or electrical enginerd. But it damn sure is one hell of a coincidence DON’T YOU THINK?????

I am getting even more pi$$ed off, can’t you tell?

From → Biology, Geophysics

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