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Lots of Microwave Radiation and Sinkholes (Dissoved CaCO3) in Escambia County, FL (left) and Santa Rosa County(Right), FL And a Cancer Cluster

Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida

In February 2001, The Pensacola News Journal reported that rates for several kinds of cancer, rates for birth defects, and rates for low birth weight babies were all elevated in Escabmia and Santa Rosa counties as compared with national rates. The article reported that federal regulators suspect arsenic, dioxin, lead, mercury and other substances from contaminated Superfund sites and manufacturing plants, Escambia Treating and Agrico, are to blame. Without adequate tracking of these substances and human health, it is difficult to determine whether the environment is linked to these elevated cancer rates.

Cluster F?


Fallon, Churchill County, Nevada

Sixteen children have been diagnosed in Fallon with leukemia since 1997. Three have died; two relapsed in the summer of 2004. An investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded in 2003 that there are no links between environmental contaminants and the leukemia cases in Fallon. However, biomonitoring tests conducted by CDC found residents in Fallon had elevated levels of arsenic and tungsten in their urine. Arsenic is a known carcinogen, but has not been linked to leukemia. Little is know about the health effects of tungsten–it is currently being studied by the National Toxicology Program. A tracking network that collects data on environmental exposures and health effects could have helped discover the cluster earlier and aided health officials in their investigation.

More information:

ATSDR Press Release

ATSDR Health Consultation

Local Advocacy Website

CDC’s Fallon Website

I think that 6,400,000 Watt ARSR-4 is a VERY BAD ACTOR

Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth: evidences from radars and mobile communication systems.


In this review we discuss alarming epidemiological and experimental data on possible carcinogenic effects of long term exposure to low intensity microwave (MW) radiation. Recently, a number of reports revealed that under certain conditions the irradiation by low intensity MW can substantially induce cancer progression in humans and in animal models. The carcinogenic effect of MW irradiation is typically manifested after long term (up to 10 years and more) exposure. Nevertheless, even a year of operation of a powerful base transmitting station for mobile communication reportedly resulted in a dramatic increase of cancer incidence among population living nearby. In addition, model studies in rodents unveiled a significant increase in carcinogenesis after 17-24 months of MW exposure both in tumor-prone and intact animals. To that, such metabolic changes, as overproduction of reactive oxygen species, 8-hydroxi-2-deoxyguanosine formation, or ornithine decarboxylase activation under exposure to low intensity MW confirm a stress impact of this factor on living cells. We also address the issue of standards for assessment of biological effects of irradiation. It is now becoming increasingly evident that assessment of biological effects of non-ionizing radiation based on physical (thermal) approach used in recommendations of current regulatory bodies, including the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines, requires urgent reevaluation. We conclude that recent data strongly point to the need for re-elaboration of the current safety limits for non-ionizing radiation using recently obtained knowledge. We also emphasize that the everyday exposure of both occupational and general public to MW radiation should be regulated based on a precautionary principles which imply maximum restriction of excessive exposure.




Microwave Communication Towers, Dissolved Calcium Carbonate & Dead Fish in Florida


Microwave Communication Towers, Dissolved Calcium Carbonate & Dead Fish in Florida


Microwave Communication Towers, Dissolved Calcium Carbonate & Dead Fish in Florida


Microwave Radars & Communication Towers, Dissolved Calcium Carbonate & Dead Fish in Florida


Microwave Communication Towers, Dissolved Calcium Carbonate & Dead Fish in Florida

Normally I would not care except WE are made of calcium and our bloodstreams are like those streams the fish are dying in.


Sinkhole Map Here

Microwave/Cell/RF Towers Here

High Powered Pulsed Radar Towers/Fish Kills here


I posted this song a year or so ago, I just had to play it again… Have your kids close their ears

Everyone Knows

Discouraging :(


Waimea Bay Marine Reserve North Shore Oahu Diseased & DISSOLVING coral

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: underwater2web . <>
Date: Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 11:22 PM
Subject: Waimea reef destruction!! Really terrible turn for the worse!
To: Somebody, Anybody!

Hi ——-,

SmWaimea11Not sure if you are aware of the condition on the reefs from Sharks Cove to Waimea Bay on the north shore of Oahu. It is in a total collapse! Pam and I dive this location often and take video and pictures as she lives right up the hill.
One year ago this reef had very few problems! The mound and lobe corals look very healthy and we only counted two to three diseased rice corals per dive. I have videos posted on Mission Blue (Google Earth) from two years ago and the reef looked beautiful.
About 6 months ago the mound corals started to dissolve. Today over 80% plus of the mound and lob corals were turning into mud. Thousands are already totally dead. The water visibility was very poor due to all of the dissolved coral material. This reef is normally crystal clear and we have not had any recent rain.
The dissolving reef looks very much like the entire north shore of Kauai!! I am locating the large high impulse NEXRAD ARSR-4 radar towers above Waimea Bay to see if this may be the cause of the reef collapse.
???????????????????????????????Can you possibly have some of your students or the USGS go out and look at the reefs in this area? Studying the tens of thousands of dying corals in this “Marine Reserve” may help us figure out the reef collapse along the north shore of Kauai.
Here are some pics out of my video from today. It is really sickening as this area is visited by thousands of divers annually and was once an important marine reserve. Any of your divers can easily access this reef by diving out of “Three Tables” and going in any direction as the whole area is now one big mess.
I shot video today of over 2,000 mound and lobe corals and all but two were 10 to 100% dissolved as if someone poured battery acid all over the reef. As usual my videos are free for you to review but no one needs to travel far to view this disaster with their own eyes.
???????????????????????????????Maybe this reef collapse in Oahu is good, as no one has to violate Kauai politics to study it!
This reef die off is much larger than the molasses spill reef die off that received so much attention in Honolulu!! Hopefully people here in Oahu will care about this problem as it will effect tourism in a negative way.
This reef is in a MARINE RESERVE to protect it. Well it is not working!!
Terry Lilley
Marine Biologist
Hanalei, Kauai
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: ChemE Stewart <>
Date: Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: Waimea reef destruction!! Really terrible turn for the worse!
To: The Quantum Vacuum (maybe it will listen)


Actually, what you have located 10 miles above Waimea Bay is MUCH nastier than a 500,000 watt pulsed NEXRAD WSR-88 weather radar.  You have a 6,400,000 watt pulsed ARSR-4 phased array military radar with 9 simultaneous beams of pulsed radiation @ 300 Hz pulse frequency, equivalent to 13 NEXRAD radars. Guaranteed to knock the calcium right from your milk bottle…
I plotted sea stars dissolving around this model radar earlier this year along the West coast.
Until further notice all tourists will be directed to the Big Island…
Graphic attached.

ARSR-4 Equivalent pulsed power as 13 NEXRAD Weather Radars




Now This is What a Healthy Reef Looks Like!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: underwater2web . <>
Date: Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Coral, Coral and more Coral on the Big Island!! Why we need it in KAUAI.
To: Somebody Who Might Do Something…


???????????????????????????????After 10 days scuba diving on the Big Island several thing were very clear. The coral along the Kona Coast completely covers the reefs down to 60 feet deep. This 100% coral cover is home to millions of fish, crabs, octopus and other marine life. The ecosystem is healthy and will delight tourist for many years to come!! We even dove in a submarine where we got to video a wide section of the reef within an hour and all looked great!!

Comparing the reefs in Kona with the north shore of Kauai is like comparing night to day. They use to look similar years ago, but the constant bombardment of mud and farm chemicals flowing out of Kauai rivers and creeks due to illegal wetland digging has seriously harmed the reefs and will seriously harm tourism!! Everyone in Kauai will suffer from this one way or another.
Kauai reefs are also blasted by the military with their crazy electronic war games! Kauai reefs are dissolving right before our eyes and so will tourism! Even the dolphin have left the north shore of Kauai for safer seas and who knows if the whales will return to waters laced with dangerous sonar and microwaves!
???????????????????????????????Here are some pics out of my videos of the Kona reefs and some from my photography partner Pamela Whitman.
I wish I could show you pics like these from the Kauai north shore, but I cannot as the north shore of Kauai has lost much of its coral cover and marine life in a few short years!
It is only a natural progression that tourist will stop coming to Kauai when its reefs are dead and the dolphin and whales leave! The people who work and live along the Kona Coast have good job security for a long time into the future by showing the tourist the beautiful corals and marine life, but in Kauai we have little to no job security as people will not want to come to Kauai to just see bare lava rock below the surface of the sea!!

Terry Lilley
Marine Biologist
Hanalei, Kauai

The Answer is Right in Front of You

Summers7-14g Mosaic06

Kauai Coral Disease and Dissolution

See if you can find it…

Left Coast


Lee County Florida (M)anatee Death Cluster.  Area also has a concentration in sinkholes (red/green blobs – dissolved CaCO3) as well as a concentration of microwave Doppler weather, communication and cellular towers (station identifiers shown)

I have been very busy the past few days so not much chance to post any bleeding edge research, bad jokes or good music.  So I have gone ahead and downloaded the Florida Manatee mortality data from 2013 and 2014 and used Google GeoCode to convert the addresses into latitude and longitude and then kml.  Next to Melbourne, FL, the largest concentration of Manatee deaths is in Lee County. Lots of fish kills and algae blooms also. You can see from the graphic they also have a large cluster of sinkholes as well as many microwave weather, communications and cellular towers right near the waterways.  To me as an engineer, the dissolving limestone is an indication of weakly non-ionizing pulsed radiation slowly dissolving the “Earth” around the towers.


I have come to the conclusion that nature hardly stands a chance around all of the overlapping EMF pollution humans are creating with all of this digital, pulsed microwave radiation.  Those electrons have to dump that electromagnetic energy somewhere and the Earth and saltwater ways are a great conductor for that stuff. I believe this is gradually damaging our health as well as the surrounding wildlife and also dissolving the calcium based limestone around us.  The radiation will increase during storms as the atmosphere scatters and dumps all of that energy to the Earth.


I have tried to concentrate mostly on wildlife on this blog, although I don’t believe humans will fare any better from all of this EMF based upon all of the research and my observations.  Since I don’t have access to human health statistics, other than what I come across on the Internet, I have passed my radar database on to other professionals to look for correlations. I have been at this for a couple of years now, developing and refining my theory and putting the pieces together. I have concluded that humans have been irradiating themselves for over 100 years now, which has been a boom for the medical/drug industry as well as the military and telecommunications industries. 80% of West Africans now use cell phones and all that pulsed tower radiation is blaring 24/7 into the surrounding bats and birds and wildlife. That can’t be good.

I think we have gone way down the wrong road and our children are suffering for it.


The Pulsed Microwave Radar Tower and the Cell – The Role of Calcium

WSR88DI consider all of our new pulsed 3G & 4G cell towers the little cousins of our big pulsed Doppler Microwave Radar Towers.  Since Doppler radar towers pulse at similar low frequencies (800 Hz – 1 kHz), with 20 to 30 times the power (~500,000 to 6,000,000 watts each pulse, 2-6 GHz carrier wave) and the fact the radiation gets “scattered” off the overhead atmosphere back to Earth & waterways, more so during storms, makes them very dangerous, especially when our dumbass government puts 15 or 20 radars in the same location, like in Kauai, HI or Melbourne, FL. That is why all of the calcium based sea-life along the coastlines are all suffering badly, including coral reefs, sea stars, sea urchins and lobsters, all around Doppler microwave radar towers and areas of high concentrations of RF/microwave/cellular frequencies. Not to mention the rest of the marine life.  They tell us they are “low average power” when it fact they are astronomically high pulsed power.  Read below and you will see it is the low frequency pulses doing the damage.

Max Pulsed Power (Watts) 475,000
Gain (dBi) 45.5
Maximum ERP 21,612,500
Carrier Frequency (MHz) 2,850.0
RPM 6.0
Max Power Density (W/m2) @ 10 km 13.4
Pulse Duration(uSec) 1.6
Pulse Repetition Factor (Hz) 800
Range Est. (Miles) 143

This article is based on a paper written for a conference on “Mobile Phone Technology and its Consequences for Public Health”, organized by the University of Athens and held in Thessalonica on May 25th 2008.

AndrewGoldsworthy BSc PhD is an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London.

The Cell Phone and the Cell – the Role of Calcium

Parent Category: Health

Electromagnetic fields have effects at the cell level

Weak non-ionizing radiation, such as that from mobile (cell) phones has biological effects, ranging from changes in brain function to the exacerbation of allergies and the induction and promotion of cancer. There have been many attempts to find the mechanisms and hundreds of scientific papers have been written about the changes they cause in the physiology and biochemistry of a wide range of living organisms ( ). These include plants, animals and even single cells such as yeast and diatoms. This means that least some of the effects must be occurring at the level of individual cells. There is more than one mechanism, but the one I will discuss here is the electromagnetic removal of calcium ions (Coral reef skeletons are made of calcium carbonate) from cell membranes, which makes them become porous and leak. This simple observation can explain almost all of the known biological effects of weak electromagnetic radiation (Goldsworthy 2007).

Our bodies make good antennas (salt water waves breaking over a reef also make good antennas, collecting EMF)

The biological effects of electromagnetic radiation probably begin with the organism acting like the antenna of a radio. The radiation generates eddy currents flowing through it and (in the case of cell cultures) also through the surrounding medium. When they impinge on the delicate membranes that surround its individual cells, they disturb their ionic structure and destabilise them. The same is true of the membranes that divide cells into their various internal compartments and organelles.

The human body makes a good antenna since blood vessels, which are low resistance pathways filled with a highly conductive salty fluid, connect virtually all of its parts. Even cell membranes, which have a high resistance to DC, allow radio-frequencies through because of their high capacitance. So when you use a mobile phone, its signal will be transmitted to all parts of your body; nowhere is safe.

Radiation increases membrane permeability

Many scientific studies suggest that the first effect of the eddy currents is to generate small alternating voltages across the cell membranes, which increase their permeability. This can have serious metabolic consequences as unwanted substances diffuse into and out of cells unhindered, and materials in different parts of the cell, that should be kept separate, become mixed. But how do these tiny alternating voltages increase membrane permeability?

The answer lies in their ability to remove calcium ions from the membrane surface. We have known since the work of Suzanne Bawin and her co-workers (Bawin et al. 1975) that electromagnetic radiation that is far too weak to cause significant heating can nevertheless remove radioactively labelled calcium ions from cell membranes. Later, Carl Blackman showed that this occurs only with weak radiation, and then only within one or more “amplitude windows“, above and below which there is little or no effect (Blackman et al. 1982; Blackman 1990).

How weak fields remove calcium ions from membranes

Calcium ions are positively charged calcium atoms. Free calcium ions normally occur in calcium salts but, like other positive ions, they can also bind to the negatively charged membranes of living cells. These membrane-bound ions are in chemical equilibrium with the corresponding free ions in the surrounding medium, but there is a disproportionately large amount of calcium because it has two positive charges (i.e. it is divalent), which attracts it more strongly to the negative membrane. Most of the other readily available ions in living cells (e.g. potassium) have only one charge (i.e. they are monovalent). However, the extra charges on the divalent ions such as calcium and magnesium are literally their undoing. They let weak alternating electromagnetic fields remove them selectively from the membrane, which can have dire metabolic consequences.

Frequency effects

If they are to remove calcium in this way, the fields must be alternating. Low frequencies work best because they allow more time for dislodged calcium ions to diffuse clear of the cell membrane and be replaced by different ions, before the field reverses. Pulses are more effective than smooth sine waves because their rapid rise and fall times catapult the ions quickly away from the membrane and leave even more time for them to be replaced by different ions before the field reverses. This is probably why the pulsed radiation from mobile phones can be particularly damaging.

Read more…