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You are what you breathe...

Epic Fail


Q: What do all three locations have in common?

Mt Pleasant Cancer Cluster.png

11 people diagnosed with rare brain tumor live within miles of each other

  1. Ionizing radiation and the risk of brain and central nervous system tumors
  2. Radiation induced Gliomas
  3. Corona discharge
  4. Study of Corona Discharge Pattern on High Voltage Transmission Lines
  5. Corona discharge and ionizing radiation (UV-C)
  6. Spectral emission of corona discharges
  7. Test Measurements
  8. If you can see the radiation in the camera, it is reaching your body

A: All three subdivisions have multiple exposure areas to 138,000 volt transmission lines  feeding Mt Pleasant and potentially emitting ionizing radiation (corona discharge).  One of the subdivision’s swimming pool parking lot is directly below the 138,000 volt transmission lines.  This is extremely dangerous IMO.  Wet kids and high voltage do not belong together.

I may see you, I may tell you to run

Long Island Cancer Cluster Reload

LI Cancer Rates

Statistically significant increased rates of leukemia, bladder, lung and thyroid cancers in shaded area.

LI Cancer Rates1

Six high voltage transmission lines are running through the middle of the cluster area with many exposure locations near roads, homes and motorbike/walking trails underneath. Transmission lines originate from the LIPA power plant to the North and they split and run in different directions just to the South of the cluster.

LI Cancer Rates3

Transmission line voltages are 69,000 volts up through 138,000 volts.  All lines are running together, which increases the EMF and change for corona discharge (including ionizing UVc radiation in the area).  Voltages as low as 5000 volts on sharp edges and above approximately 35,000 volts in air can ionize the Nitrogen and generate ionizing UVc radiation.

LI Cancer Rates2

Busy intersection with six high voltage lines overhead within the cancer cluster area

  1. Unshielded high voltage lines generate corona discharge
  2. Corona discharge from high voltage systems generates ionizing UVc radiation
  3. Ionizing UVc radiation can increase cancer

“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” – Jim Valvano

Iredell County Thyroid Cancer

Read Now


Grand Rapids Cancer

Westside Cancer Crisis:’ Residents demand testing in neighborhood suffering a cancer cluster

Grand Rapids Cancer Article

The Women will be my Soldiers

A Break in the Case?

Huntersville OM PowerpointClick Here

UV The 1 to Decide

exposure data2



  1. Geospatial Study of Huntersville, NC Ocular Melanoma
  2. Powerlines and UV radiation
  3. UV radiation and melanoma
  4. Powerlines generating ozone from rats. (it’s not the power lines getting cooked in the electric field around them, it’s you!)
  5. Arc Welding and Uveal Melanoma
  6. Coronal Discharge from high voltage powerlines (similar to arc welding…)
  7. Corona Discharge around high voltage powerlines
  8. UV radiation Discharge around high voltage power lines

Fire on the Mountain and Lightning in the Air!