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WNAV: New Microwave Radio Station in Kauai!


Lots of direct and reflected/refracted 2-6 GHz electromagnetic radiation from the overhead atmosphere hitting the surface of the ocean on the North Shore of Kauai

kauai power

Radar Fequencies

1-3″ ocean waves lapping over shallow coral reefs pick up the most 2-6 GHz electromagnetic radiation from atmosphere and discharge into the highly conductive seawater and ocean floor. Check my results


US Navy has a patent to use varying height seawater as an antenna to collect and transmit different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. It works! Seawater is a great conductor.


High Power, Low Frequency Pulsed electromagnetic radiation (200-1000 Hz pulses, 3-6 GHz carrier wave) is collected by the 1-3″ waves over the coral reef and discharges through highly conductive salt water. The pulses are “conditioning” the water and pulling calcium off the CaCO3 coral skeleton. The Lorentz forces induced from the EMR pulses is causing high turbulence/low visibility in addition to the extra suspended solids from the dissolving coral skeleton


Conditioning of hard water (like ocean water) with low frequency electromagnetic fields is well known for 20 years and there are industrial and commercial products available to soften and break up calcium carbonate scale). The US Department of Energy Supports the Technology!


Skin lesions on head of seal due to EMF electrical discharge across skin as he breaches the water near 5 high power pencil beam military tracking radars (Alaska)


Skin lesions on head of dolphin due to EMF electrical discharge across skin as he breaches the water (Indian River Lagoon, Melbourne, FL)


Skin lesions on back of dolphin due to EMF electrical discharge across skin as he breaches the water (Indian River Lagoon, Melbourne, FL)

dead manatee

Manatee dying of shock near 17 high powered pulsed microwave radar stations near Melbourne, FL


Tumors around head and neck due to EMF across skin as turtle sticks head out of conductive salt water and acts like an antenna



How Much Dead Stuff Does it Take to Wake Up a Physicist?


Lots more dead stuff on the Tunnels Reef Below the  ~30,000,000 Watts of Pulsed Microwave Military Radars on Kauai

From: underwater2web . <>
Date: Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 9:10 PM
Subject: Dead Sharks at Tunnels Beach!! More Sonar?
To: Anybody that will listen

Yesterday I went out on my zodiac to take water samples on the dissolving reefs at Tunnels Beach so we can do some chemical analyses and maybe figure out what is killing the corals at such a rapid rate.

Mahana from Kauai Voice came along to document the event shooting HD video and we had some other very special guest checking out the reef destruction with us.
I took samples of the sea water around the dissolving reef then I went to visit my many shark friends I have know for 15 years. They all sleep in the caves and I have seen these sharks on every dive out of my 300 or more dives at Tunnels.
What I found was very heart breaking. ALL of the live sharks were gone and the only shark I found was upside down dead on the reef! I have known this 5 year old female white tip reef shark since she was born. I have video of her 2 months ago alive and healthy. She had no wounds, fish hooks or any damage visible of any kind. Just dead on the reef just like the dead pilot whale I found on a Hanalei Beach two months ago during RIMPAC!
This shark died very close to where I found the dead and dying sea turtles and I have seen other large healthy dead fish!!
A healthy looking dead shark lying upside down on the reef is just crazy!! This just does not happen.
Just one week ago I dove in the same area where there are usually a dozen turtles and last week they were all gone!!
What is killing the corals and creatures at Tunnels Reef? Massive amounts of sonic blasting by the Navy?This is one logical theory and I hope to prove, or disprove this theory soon with a world class team of scientist.
One way or another dead whales on the beach, dead turtles missing flippers, dead fish, dead sharks and a rapid dying reef should even make the politicians in Hawaii want to know what is going on in Kauai.
Terry Lilley
Marine Biologist
Hanalei, Kauai



Almost Dead


Very Dead


Dead as a Doornail


Dead and Dissolving


Dead with a little Un-Dead


Dead Drink





Melbourne Disease

And a Whole Fucking Lot of Dead around these 17 Pulsed Microwave Radars (~15,000,000 Watts)

I asked this same question almost a year ago and evidently they are ALL STILL SLEEPING



MDS Cluster Around NEXRAD 475,000 Watt Peak Pulsed Microwave Radar. If they get a lot of moisture and fog off the water that would create lots of chronic reflection in the area. The combination of high impulse power and low frequencies induce large instantaneous electrical currents and lorentz forces in ionic solutions (oceans and bloodstreams)

Spatial Clustering of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) in the Seattle-Puget Sound
Region of Washington State
Michelle E Ross1
, Jon Wakefield1,4, Scott Davis2,3, Anneclaire J De Roos2,3

Objectives. Incidence of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) has been described in the United
States since its inclusion in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program in
2001, and the Seattle-Puget Sound region of Washington State has among the highest rates of
the registries. In this investigation, we described small-scale incidence patterns of MDS within
the Seattle-Puget Sound region from 2002 to 2006 and identified potential spatial clusters to
inform planning of future studies of MDS etiology.

From Wikipedia

MDS is caused by environmental exposures such as radiation and benzene; other risk factors have been reported inconsistently

Low Frequency Radar Pulses cause the damage:

“If they are to remove calcium in this way, the fields must be alternating. Low frequencies work best because they allow more time for dislodged calcium ions to diffuse clear of the cell membrane and be replaced by different ions, before the field reverses. Pulses are more effective than smooth sine waves because their rapid rise and fall times catapult the ions quickly away from the membrane and leave even more time for them to be replaced by different ions before the field reverses. This is probably why the pulsed radiation from mobile phones can be particularly damaging.”

God is Great

Unified Field Theory?


General Relativity: Found 5% of the Universe, not bad, just look around. Hair looks like open strings attached to a brain at one end


String Theorist: Wants To stream even more microwave radiation through you and your child’s head. Many of these appear to be closed strings stuck to a brain


Unified Field Theory – Open and Closed Strings stuck to a brain making up 95% surrounded by the other 5%






Fibropapillomatosis (FP) tumors

I pulled the following information from this wildlife website

Early in July 2013, a colleague in New Caledonia reported the stranding of a green sea turtle on the far northwest of the island. The animal had washed up dead on a rocky beach with multiple large tumors on its neck and hind flippers. To all appearances, the turtle had fibropapillomatosis (FP), a tumor disease affecting marine turtles globally. This was the first known case of FP on the island ? an alarming find, and another example of the creeping expansion of this disease in green turtles around the world.


Turtle stranding near high powered pulsed microwave radar

Notably, this expansion garners little attention, for several reasons. Biologists have known about and observed FP in sea turtles since it was first described in the late-1930s in Florida green turtles (Smith and Coates 1938). We know that the disease is chronic, and that the degree of affliction is variable. Some turtles may have multiple massive tumors that affect their ability to swim or eat, leading to slow and lingering death, while others may have minimal tumors with little or no observable effect on the animal?s lifespan. Because marine turtles are largely out of sight and difficult to access, FP remains something of an ?orphan disease? ? off on its own, little studied, even dismissed as old news.


Radar Station – Tiebaghi, New Caledonia on NW end of New Caldonia

…….Equally perplexing: Prevalence of FP within a single area can be mysteriously erratic, with the distances between areas where resident turtles are affected or tumor free sometimes remarkably short. For example, on the island of Hawaii, FP is prevalent in turtles along the east coast but not the west coast (Work et al. 2001). Likewise, in Florida, turtles in the inner reefs of the Indian River Lagoon have a high prevalence of FP, whereas prevalence is low in the nearby Sabellid Reef less than one kilometer away (Holloway-Adkins and Ehrhart 2005). This characteristic complicates the question of transmission.

Melbourne Disease

I already showed you guys the tens of thousands of dead fish, dolphins, manatees, pelicans and turtles, many with tumors and many showing signs of SHOCK around the 17 high powered(~15,000,000 watts +/-) pulsed microwave radars in the Indian River Lagoon, FL area

Now I switch to another paper


Coral Disease and Turtle Tumors in Kaneohe Base with an airport radar and lots of pulsed ship microwave radars


Nearly all of Hawaii’s green turtles start their lives in the French Frigate Shoals, 400 miles northwest of Kauai. Once they are a few years old, they make the long swim to the main islands. Tumors have never been seen in the young turtles, before they leave the French Frigate Shoals. They occur most often once the turtle is 20 to 25 inches long, about 15 years of age, Balazs said. The turtles don’t reproduce until they reach 25 to 30 years of age, he said. The population will be considered recovered when 5,000 nesting females are reported each year. Currently, there are 600 females counted each year in the French Frigate Shoals, he said. Trying to connect the incidence of tumors with environmental factors hasn’t yielded any direct links, he said. They appear mostly in areas near urban development (cell towers, radio/TV towers), but there are also many tumored turtles off the largely undeveloped south shore of Molokai [near 500,000 watt pulsed NEXRAD RADAR], the turtle researcher said.


Turtles with tumors on South end of Molokai, which has a 500,000 watt pulsed microwave radar

More Tumors show up on head and neck/front end of the turtles


His and your head is an antenna

FP is short for Fibropapilloma. This is a disease that affects turtles world wide. It is scientifically proven to be related to the human virus of herpes but in this case, it has mutated and it can kill sea turtles once infected.  The reason why these tumors occur is still unknown, but it just happens that the large majority of turtles affected by this disease live near areas with large amounts of conventional agricultural crops, like Hawaii and Florida.


North Shore Kauai Turtles were recently hit with so much pulsed microwave/electromagnetic radiation from RIMPAC and 20 stationary radars their trailing edges disintegrated and THEY DIED

“Taken together, these data suggest that persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
are not a major cofactor in causing the onset of FP.”



Dissolution is the Solution


Winter/Spring 2013 Newsletter, Alaska Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network: Since the spring of 2012, a total of 23 polar bears from Barrow, Deadhorse and Kaktovik have been identified with variable degrees of hair loss/ thinning, inflamed and crusting skin, and oral lesions. The prevalence of these symptoms appears to be in about 28% of observed animals.Thus far, testing for endocrine abnormalities (thyroid function) and vitamin A and trace mineral imbalances in affected bears has been inconclusive, as have toxicity studies.  […] The concurrent presence of hair loss in seals, walrus and polar bears has suggested a possible connection between the events. monitoring for new or unusual cases will continue into the 2013 field season.

Polar Bears

Dead Stuff around Deadhorse Radar Station


Notice the hair loss, tumors and lesions are occuring on the head and neck area. That is because the mammals are getting electromagneticuted(new word) while they are swimming in the highly conductive salty ocean water near radar towers and are getting hosed by radiation as it is scattered and ducted by the overhead atmosphere. Radar guys consider them biological contaminants.


Kaktovik Katastrophe


I already mentioned the carnage around the pulsed microwave radar stations at Point Lay and Barrow, Alaska.

You can read about that HERE

AN-FPS-117 radar

AN/FPS-117 Pencil Beam Radar

Wildlife Disease and Environmental Health in Alaska: Fact Sheet for 2013, U.S. Geological Survey (Emphasis Added): Environmental contaminants also threaten the health of wildlife and humans […] Some of these compounds persist in the environment for many years and accumulate in living organisms […] Alopecia (loss of fur) and other skin lesions were recently observed in polar bears off the northern coast of Alaska. Biologists are examining samples from afflicted polar bears to identify possible causes of these lesions. […] biologists have observed a high rate of non-viable eggs (Eggshells are made of calcium) in nests of greater white-fronted geese. Future analyses will provide insights about elevated rates of embryo mortality in birds […] Coxiella burnetii, a bacterial pathogen that causes disease in animals and humans, was recently detected in polar bears, northern fur seals, and soil samples in Alaska. […] An ongoing study of emperor geese in Western Alaska allows for detailed investigation of the effects of blood parasites on specific fitness parameters, including reproductive success and adult survival. […] In another study, the Alaska Science Center has documented surprisingly high mortality (20–30 percent) of adult female musk ox during mid- to late summer in northwestern Alaska.







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