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You are what you breathe...


New IPhone 6 is Coming Out!


Hey, But I Have 4 Bars!

cell bars

OK, 5 Bars…

I agree that it is radiation, but I disagree it is Fukushima.  It’s Microwave radiation from pulsed electromagnetic doppler weather, military and aviation radars as well as all of our overlapping cellular towers.  All of that radiation is grounding out into the Earth and Oceans. Wireless Party is over…

I was Scared of Dentists and the Dark

Give Me Some Skin


They Aren’t Always Smiling: Skin Lesions and Deformities Plague Wild Dolphins

“We met a couple of bottlenose, after kayaking almost three hours under a blistering sun, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. The larger of the two dolphins surfaced next to me as the other moved away and disappeared. It was dreadful. It was as though this animal emerged from a horror movie. Grayish-white abnormal growths covered almost half of its ulcerated body. Its skin had the consistency of cauliflower. The disfigured dolphin glanced at me, paused for a moment, then dove. And that was all I saw of it…”

“Do you know about the dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon?” my friend asked.

“I’ve heard about them,” I replied, “but I’ve never seen them.”

I had read that a goodly percentage of bottlenose dolphins in the lagoon were affected by lobomycosis, a mycotic infection also found in humans, and by oral and genital tumors, of which I’d seen some grotesque images of online. Further, many dolphins had pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, and disorders of the nervous system. But I had no clue how dire the problem had become in the last few years.


skineffektAt DC, current in a conductor flows with uniform density over the cross section of the conductor. At radio frequencies, mobile charges within the material are made to oscillate back and forth with the same frequency as the impinging fields. These fields induce a current flowing in the opposite direction of the alternating current. The sum of both currents causes that the current flows only in a very thin “Skin”. Everywhere else the conductors are free from electromagnetic fields. Even very thin wallet metal envelopes will, therefore, entirely screen the electromagnetic field within coaxial RF cables at radio frequencies.

At high frequencies, the current tends to flow only in the conductor surface; the effective conductor cross section decreases and the conductor resistance increases.

The depth of penetration illustrates the skin effect. It is defined as the thickness of a thin surface layer (assumed to have an even distribution of a current flow), having the same resistance as an actual conductor whch is undergoing to skin effect.

Because of the influence of the skin effect upon inductance the resistance is frequency-dependent:

Electrical Discharger

wing tip“Precipitation static” is an electrical charge on an airplane (or Dolphin) caused by flying (swimming) through rain, snow, ice, or dust particles (or electrified salt water). When the aircraft charge is great enough, it discharges into the surrounding air. The discharge path is through pointed aircraft extremities, such as antennas, wing tips (tips of fins), vertical and horizontal stabilizers, and other protrusions.


1-31-14-melbourne2 (1)

Lots of dead stuff in Indian river lagoon around approx. 13 millions watts of pulsed microwave radars. (F) are tens of thousands of dead fish.


Radar Power Density

Typical Example of radiation reaching Ground Around Non-Isotropic radars (dishes). Radiation will increase as cloud cover lowers and intensifies during storms

Manatee deaths unsolved amid effort to reverse Indian River collapse

Also unexplained were nearly 80 dolphins found dead and emaciated. While the pelicans and dolphins are thought to have declined in health for days or weeks, manatees succumbed suddenly and without warning. Investigators have repeatedly looked at whether the die-off of seagrasses left the mammals to eat seaweeds that may contain toxins.

We can see signs of shock in the necropsy,” de Wit said. “We see it in their blood vessels and their organs and in addition to the shock we see signs of drowning.”

Radar boys will tell you that you can divide peak pulse power by 1000 and life is good, even though that 1,000,000 watt pulse can travel 900 feet in 1/1000000 of a second. Nature does not work on averages, she has to instantly discharge that pulse. Life is bad around multiple pulsed microwave radars, just ask the dolphins and manatees.

During my 28 year engineering design career, usually when something/someone in an industrial plant is getting shocked, WE LOOK FOR THE SOURCE OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY! But maybe I am too simple…

In the end, believe what you want.


Boom Boom Pow


Pulsed electromagnetic radiation induces charge clusters in sea water, softening and dissolving CaCO3 as well induces electrical discharge since salt water is a good conductor due to ions in solution

Seastar wasting syndrome update

Millions of sea stars from Alaska to Mexico and is being studied by various teams, including about 40 biologists from many west coast universities and all the major aquariums.

According to Barsh many seastars have retreated to deeper, cooler water, and those that remain around Indian Island are mostly hidden in crevices or under boulders, out of direct sunlight.

Sunlight is another form of electromagnetic radiation, albeit higher frequencies, just like pulsed microwave radiation.  The reason the sea stars are still alive hidden in crevices and under rocks is because they are SHELTERED FROM PULSED MICROWAVE ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION from the radar towers(high powered military, FAA and weather) and cellular towers (lower power).  Deeper water also protects them.

The rest of the exposed sea stars have DISSOLVED



Go Back!


Earth Song

Dissolving Right in Front of our Eyes and our Government is Blind


I went diving two days ago at a reef that I did not know existed only 4 years ago! It is a deep water island right in between Tunnels and Cannons. I saw some surf breaking there on a large winter swell a few years back so I paddled out on my kayak and drug along the sandy bottom a fishing line and hook until I snagged onto the reef!

The first time I dropped down to the reef at 40 feet deep I was extremely excited. Kind of like going to another planet. I named the reef “roi reef” because it had so many invasive peacock grouper (roi) on it. My NOAA and UH friends had never heard of this reef nor could they find a name for it, so my name stuck.

The fish have no fear of people as they more than likely have never seen a human before. The corals on the reef were in perfect shape four years ago and still in good shape only 6 months ago.

Something changed. The big old growth mound corals are now dissolving and turning into mud. The reef is breaking down. I took video of about 100 large mound corals that are about 30 years old to 1,000 years old. All but two had at least 30% dissolved within the last six months!! One out of every ten rice corals were being eaten up by the black band coral disease.

This reef is in fairly deep water for coral growth (because coral needs the suns energy to grow), and there are strong currents that flush over the reef daily keeping it clean. It is an ideal reef for healthy coral growth as it is far out enough to not have the effects from people and agricultural pesticide run off, like the inner reefs do.

But what was stunning for me to see and take video of was the health of the reef went down hill very quickly! It takes thousands of years for many of these corals to grow and only 6 months to now see them dissolve into mud.

When corals die from pesticides the hard coral skeleton remains. This is the base for new corals to grow on top of, if the pollution is halted. But the corals at Roi Reef are not just dying, they are dissolving and disappearing all together as if they never existed to begin with.

Soon Roi Reef will just be a large rock on the bottom of the sea with no life at all. Maybe much like it looked when it was formed many millions of years ago.

Since this reef is in the direct line of fire from the Military RIMPAC games that are using massive amounts of electronic warfare, one may be lead to believe that the reef is being killed by the massive sound waves and electromagnetic radiation being used daily in the area. The Military is sinking ships with this new type of warfare. Seems to me that if a steel ship can be destroyed by high energy sonar, lasers and microwaves that a hard 1,000 year old coral could also be dissolved by this same energy. If a drive by shooter kills someone next to you with a bullet, you could logically deduce that the bullet would also kill you, if it came your way!

If anyone else can come up with any logical idea that would explain this basically unknown, once health reef to die so quickly, then my ears are open! Maybe the NAVY could fund a study to try and find out what is dissolving our corals?

If I had not found this reef for another two years then I would have never know how beautiful it once was! Remember the phase “If a tree falls in the middle of the forest but no one sees it, did the tree fall?”

Just think how many corals have fallen in the last few years that no one saw. So did they actually fall because us humans did not see them? Yes, as the sea creatures saw them fall, like this large moray eel because the coral was once it home.

I will go back once a month to Roi Reef and video these very corals so you can see first hand what I am seeing everyday all along the north shore of Kauai.


Terry Lilley
Marine Biologist
Hanalei, Kauai

6 5 4 3 2

The King’s Decree of 7-28-14, “Regarding the United States Navy and the destruction of Hawai’i’s marine environment”

Actually it is not just the US Military destroying Kauai, it is also the navies of Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the People’s Republic of China, Peru, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, Singapore, Tonga and the United Kingdom






AN/FPS-117 Radar

Alaska Unusual Mortality Event

AN/FPS-117 long range radar (200-250 nautical miles), L-band pencil beam