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You are what you breathe...

OysterOceanSalinityConductivityDopplerDisaster? (Say 5 Times Fast)



dolphin (1)


More Dolphins Die In Chesapeake Bay

We’re Cook’n ‘Em!

They all died in the Indian River Lagoon also nearby the 12,000,000 watts of pulsed microwave radars!

The Eastern oyster, Crassotrea virginica, was once found in abundance along the Indian River Lagoon but has now disappeared from many portions of the waterway. The native oyster population was decimated by a combination of factors; including habitat loss, overharvesting, pollution, reduced water quality, disease and boat wakes. Oysters are an essential part of the Indian River lagoon ecosystem for many reasons. They are a keystone species that numerous other species depend on for food and protection. Oysters are also gregarious, which means that individuals clump together, creating natural reefs that help prevent erosion.


I Quit!


I have also been mean to physicists and electrical engineers, please forgive me…


I know they thought it was OK to pulse 1,200,000,000 watts of electromagnetic radiation through everybody.

Maybe thE plAnets Are tryIng tO beCome tHe stars???

Or are they all branes at the core to begin with?

Darkness Falls Across the Land

Sea Star Wasting

Remote Sea Star Deaths Centered within 20 miles around a 750,000 Watt pulsed Dual Pol NEXRAD weather radar upgraded in 2012. I believe the EMF is discharging into the surrounding salt water and dissolving the CaCO3 endoskeleton of the starfish

Starfish deaths puzzling experts

Starfish are among Charlie Seablom’s favorite aquatic animals to discover.As a volunteer for the Island County Beach Watchers organization since 1993, Seablom has started to see alarming changes in his favorite sea creature.“The ones I’m seeing, a very large percentage appear to be diseased,” Seablom said.The pisaster sea star typically has five limbs and comes in a wide variety of colors. The orange-colored sunflower starfish grows to be far bigger, can have up to 24 legs and can “run” quite quickly.Over the past year, a number of dying starfish were reported off the coasts of Whidbey and Camano islands.This year is the first in which Seablom has seen any of the wasted sea stars on Whidbey.Seablom said he’s been on the lookout since the first symptoms were reported in June 2013 by researchers from Olympic National Park. Since then, sea stars along much of the North American Pacific coast are dying in great numbers from this mysterious “star wasting” syndrome.“It’s real sad to see animals like that die off like that,” Seablom said. “I just hope they find the cause and then maybe a cure before they’re all gone.”


I’ve Got My Mind Made Up and I Can’t Let Go

of the fact I think gravity is inflating into our weather right above our heads…

The 8:8 Stargate: Energy Analysis

I thought this was insightful and inspirational in an abstract sort of way

Dead and Re-Dead

Dead Reef, Dead Coral, Dead Turtle, Dead Whale. Hmmm….Common theme in Kauai

Hi Ocean Lovers,
Here is my narrated dead Pilot Whale movie for the RIMPAC folks. They had an article today in the news about how successful RIMPAC was! Capt. Bruce Hay said : Professionalism and Aloha was the name of the game!!
Well Bruce your game killed hundreds of dolphins and whales and basically blow up large parts of the reefs on the north shore of Kauai, Ni’ihau and Lehua rock!! You sure showed a lot of ALOHA for our marine life you wiped out!!
Just shows us how out of touch our military is when you call killing corals, fish, dolphin, turtles and whales “professional”. Who knows how many of us divers and surfers are now sick from your wonderful ALOHA you spread with your electronic war games off shore of our once beautiful island!
The next movie I will have done shortly shows all of the damage from RIMPAC on our reefs, corals, sea turtles and the habitat they now have to deal with to try to stay alive while you party on your nuclear destroyer in Pear Harbor!
Just remember the politicians who TOTALLY support and promoted RIMPAC like Colleen Hanabusa and our Governor when you vote Saturday!
I really wish the whales could vote as they are part of our families here in Kauai but they are expendable to the US Navy and obviously so is our coral reefs.
You simply are not going to kill my friends and underwater family and just walk away from it! What you do is not ALOHA and please look up the meaning of that very spiritual word. Remember “Loose lips sinks ships”.

Terry Lilley
Marine Biologist
Hanalei, Kauai


Cool Billion, Give or Take 50 Million


Michio wants you to install MORE MICROWAVE RADARS

In my search for Dark Energy I uncovered about a BILLION watts of pulsed microwaves in the US alone at frequencies many of the top biologists say are BAD FOR YOU.  You can download my latest uncertainty database here (radars at the bottom)

kaku 2

Does Michio live in Colorado?


It’s Worth Saving

DeadSeaSwissCheese (Say 5 Times Fast)

Israel’s pulsed microwave military radars are ionizing the surroundings and dissolving the calcium carbonate in the sea floor, causing a huge number of sinkholes to form. This extra microwave radiation flux will also be very unhealthy for the citizens.  Of course their military (and ours) will deny it. Pulsed electromagnetic radiation softens calcium carbonate scale, this is a well known FACT.